What You Need To Check For Your Cat’s Dental Hygiene

by | Aug 30, 2022 | Animal Hospitals


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If your cat has bad breath or has a plaque on the teeth, you should consider using cat chews for cleaning teeth. These dental chews have a tasty and natural chew that removes bad breath and plaque around your cat’s mouth.


Cats need good oral hygiene to maintain a healthy breath. You should ensure that you are checking your cat’s breath to tell what type of oral breath they have. The breath should be neutral and not an offensive odor. You should use cat chews for cleaning teeth if your cat has bad breath.

Teeth Appearance

A cat’s teeth are an essential part of its body, so it’s important to take good care of them. Your cat’s teeth should be clean and white. If you notice that your cat has chipped or discoloured teeth, it’s a sign that it isn’t getting the dental care it needs.

Gum Appearance

Gum appearance is an important sign of overall dental health, and the gums should be pink. They shouldn’t be sore or bleeding; if they are, it could signify a severe condition like periodontal disease.

Mouth Appearance

Don’t just look at the front of your cat’s mouth; check the back too. Ensure there are no signs of swelling ulcers or unusual bumps. If you notice any of these symptoms, it could be a sign that they aren’t getting the proper dental care they need to keep their teeth healthy and strong.

Hopefully, this article has given you some helpful tips on effectively checking a cat’s dental hygiene. Be sure to talk to your veterinarian if any of the above symptoms occur.

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