A Medical Weight Loss Center in Louisville KY Helps Clients Shed Excess Pounds and Lower Cholesterol

by | Jul 27, 2016 | Weight Loss


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Many people struggle with trying to lose weight for many years with little to no success. They may not become truly motivated to resolve the problem until a doctor diagnoses them with a health problem such as unhealthy levels of blood sugar, blood pressure or cholesterol. In some instances, a person at optimum weight still needs to take medication to control cholesterol levels, but many overweight individuals find their cholesterol levels drop dramatically as they shed excess pounds. A facility for Medical Weight Loss Center in Louisville KY provides expertise from health care practitioners that help clients become more successful in their efforts to reach an idea weight.

Every year, large numbers of individuals are diagnosed with elevated low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, commonly called LDL cholesterol. This particular substance is associated with heart disease and stroke, as it can build up inside blood vessels and harden into plaque. High LDL cholesterol is very common among U.S. residents. More than 70 million of them have this condition, according to the Centers for Disease Control. That’s more than 33 percent of the population.

Becoming more active and losing weight, with the assistance of a Medical Weight Loss Center in Louisville KY, allows many patients to avoid taking prescription medication to lower high LDL levels. Statins that lower cholesterol also can cause muscle pain, digestive upset, and high blood sugar. Statins work by blocking the activity of a liver enzyme that produces cholesterol, and sometimes the drugs actually have negative effects on the liver.

A clinic like InShapeMD has its own line of supplements especially formulated to help people trying to lose weight. These individuals may feel better and less deprived of their favorite foods when they are taking supplements that provide plenty of vitamins and minerals. Other supplements from this type of clinic are formulated to help clients stay healthy while dealing with stress, and some are intended to boost a sense of tranquility. Others increase the person’s energy, providing extra motivation for getting exercise. The human body is designed for physical activity, and being active can bring cholesterol to a healthy level. Please browse the website for more information.

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