Many times, teenagers are stereotyped as being moody. Many of you don't pay attention to that detail until you experience it yourself. The truth is that the teenage years are filled with life changes and hormones, which combine to form a perfect storm. Teenagers have...
Michelle King
The Key Things That You Will Want to Know About Strep Throat
What Is Strep Throat? Strep throat is a type of infection that affects the throat and tonsils. It is caused by the streptococcus bacteria. It can easily be spread through close contact with other people. People can release droplets into the air when they cough or...
The Use of Chromium in Natural Fat Burning and Weight Loss Supplements
Some women who exercise see very little weight loss. Your exercise routine may not be the reason. There might be a more profound reason at the cellular level. One health issue is insulin resistance that can prompt a pre-diabetic state, and in the long run, lead to...
Safely Transporting Patients Over a Long Distance
When you're assisting in transporting a patient over a long distance, there are a few safety tips to keep in mind for yourself as well as the patient. Make sure all essential items are packed before loading the patient onto the vehicle. Once the patient is in the...
Busting Some Common Chiropractic Myths to Ensure You Get the Care You Need
Chiropractic care can provide noticeable relief from a wide variety of ailments. From migraines to anxiety, chiropractic care is, in some ways, a miracle cure that avoids the need for medicines and surgeries. To enjoy the benefits of a West Loop chiropractor, to have...