Using your eyes to see the world is an asset you might take for granted. However, challenges can occur with this part of the body, which means it's typically a good idea to utilize a company that provides a professional vision test in Jacksonville, FL. Glaucoma or...
Eye Care
How Laser Eye Surgery Works – Laser Eye Surgery Jacksonville FL
Laser eye surgery is it popular procedure in the United States. Many people are aware of it and know someone who's had it. The operation itself is done with lasers, and the outcome is generally very successful in restoring a person's vision. The process of laser eye...
Lifestyle Choices Optometrists in Cincinnati, OH May Recommend for Dry Eyes
Dry eyes can cause irritation, burning, redness, and even excessive tearing. Autoimmune disorders such as Sjögren's syndrome often cause dry eyes because they affect the tear glands. While prescription eye drops can help restore moisture to your eyes, your optometrist...
3 Signs You Need to See a Cincinnati Eye Doctor
Vision naturally changes with age and many of those changes happen so gradually, you may not even notice them. However, there are some things that require medical attention. If you notice any of these vision problems, schedule an appointment with an eye doctor right...
Common Causes Of Scleral Yellowing and Effective Treatment Options
Yellowing of the whites of your eyes is known as jaundice. In addition to yellowing of the sclerae, jaundice can cause yellow skin, dark urine, and clay-colored stool. While jaundiced eyes usually don't cause vision problems, you'll need to see your specialist in eye...