The official name of pink eye is conjunctivitis. This is an inflammation of the conjunctiva in the eye, which is the clear tissue that lies over the white portion of the eye and that lines the interior portion of the eyelid. This is a common condition in children....
Eye Care
Services in Optometry in Huntsville, AL Include Vision Therapy Training
You may not know that optical service providers also offer vision therapy training to improve a child’s or adult’s eyesight. This type of training is instrumental, as it can help a person with vision problems to see more clearly and even help him or her in their daily...
Enjoy High-Quality Oakley Eyewear in Brookline, MA
Few things, if any, can claim to be more important to your day to day wellbeing than the basic ability to be able to see clearly. For as basic as that might sound to all of us born with that ability, those who have had to struggle with blurry or problematic vision...
Some Things to Know About Eye Care in Wichita, KS
There are different areas of Eye Care in Wichita KS a person should know about. Knowing what foods to eat for eye health is important. Learning how to protect the eyes during certain activities also helps. People should also know about the threats their eyes face on a...
Get Quality Care for Your Eyes with the Best Eye Surgeon in Orlando, FL
It is fair to say that there are few things more important to your life than your eyesight. It is so important that it can be hard to imagine life without being able to see. That’s what can make it so terrifying to find yourself struggling with eye problems. This...