Bring operating room productivity to the next level with these simple strategies to improve your results. By implementing these suggestions, you can anticipate positive workplace changes.
Reduce OR Costs
Mistakes in the OR schedule, cancellations, and delays can lead to wastage of your operating room’s resources. Since a single OR can cost around $1,000 every hour, take steps to prevent these mistakes to enhance OR efficiency.
Use High-Grade Medical Supplies
Enhance your OR efficiency with high-grade medical technology and products. These supplies support your surgeons, making surgeries faster, recovery times quicker, and patients happier.
Fix Your Scheduling Process
Address delay and cancellation issues caused by your scheduling system. Upgrade to an automated surgery scheduling system to provide your team with accurate and accessible information about upcoming surgeries, minimizing data loss.
Track Surgeon Blocks
Review your schedule to identify surgeons who are not maximizing their case load. This helps optimize your surgery schedule by allocating additional cases to available surgeons.
Prevent Equipment Issues
Resolve equipment malfunctions promptly to avoid scheduling conflicts where multiple surgeons require the same equipment simultaneously. Consider upgrading outdated equipment to prevent recurring issues.
Communicate with Your Team
Maintain open lines of communication with your team to improve OR productivity and efficiency. Encourage them to contribute suggestions and feedback, which can lead to positive changes and long-term improvements in operating room efficiency. For more details, please visit Sharp Fluidics today.