A neck lift in Glenview is a cosmetic surgical procedure that is often combined with a facelift. Like the facelift, it is done to give the patient taut and more youthful-looking skin. It works by tightening the skin of the neck and jawline and can thus help improve the appearance of the lower part of the face. A neck lift can help with such problems as jowls, a double chin, wrinkles on the neck, or the “turkey wattle” neck which is caused by sagging neck skin.
What Does a Neck Lift Involve?
A neck lift, which is sometimes also called a lower rhytidectomy, is a minimally invasive procedure. A minimally invasive procedure is one in which the surgeon makes a few small incisions rather than larger ones.
A neck lift generally takes two or three hours. It is an outpatient procedure, and the patient will be put under general anesthesia. After making the incisions, the surgeon will remove fat from the jowls and reposition the underlying tissues. In many cases, they will also tighten the platysma muscles that run along the sides of the neck from the underside of the jaw to the collarbones. They will also trim away excess skin.
Patients who have undergone a neck lift can usually return to work after about two weeks. While a neck lift doesn’t stop the aging process, the results are still permanent. Even a decade later, the patient will still look better and more youthful than if they had not undergone the procedure.
Who Is a Good Candidate for a Neck Lift?
The ideal candidate will be somebody in overall good health with realistic expectations. They also should not smoke, for smoking delays healing.
Contact Adam J. Cohen, M.D., to learn more about a neck lift in Glenview or visit the website.